In Star Trek, the Federation is a fleet of heavilyarmed ships sailing out to tell everyone else what's moral. It works about as well as that ever does. It works about as well as that ever does. We're told that they're the good guys, but that's because we've been watching human propaganda. Star Trek: The Federation Rules. September 8 marked the 50th anniversary of the cult phenomenon Star Trek. Legal Ethics counsel Saul Jay Singer explores worker's compensation and confidentiality issues for Trekkies and nonTrekkies alike. Star Trek: Federation un gioco di ruolo online via chat. Iscriviti e sali a bordo della Starbase Tycho, una Star Trek Federation Space, A Two Map Expansion for Star Trek Catan. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Manufacturer recommended age: 10 15 Years. Product Features This is an expansion to Star Trek Catan. The first season of Star Trek: Federation One is presented in video format. It is made available through Vimeo. To download an episode through Vimeo, go to its page. Leftclick the Vimeo logo in the lower right of the video player. The Star Trek trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. This website is intended for personal use only, under fair use principles of United States copyright law. This website is intended for personal use only, under fair use principles of United States copyright law. The United Federation of Planets (25th century) is one of playable factions in Star Trek Online. Founded in 2161, it is the governing body of an alliance of more than 150 planetary governments, spread out over 8, 000 light years and thousands of worlds (including founding worlds Earth, Vulcan, Andoria and Tellar Prime), each working in cooperation to uphold their principles of justice, equality. Star Trek: Federation is a 1994 Star Trek Expanded Universe novel by Judith and Garfield ReevesStevens. Federation tracks three different timelines. In the 2060s, a fascist movement called Optimum is sweeping across Earth. Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years is housed in a lighted pedestal display, with a pushbutton greeting from Admiral Hikaru Sulu. You will be hardpressed to not want to push the button. The Star Trek: Federation Compilation, made by Interplay, whose long line stretches about 20 years of history. Some of those games were Star Trek PC games. 0 out of 5 stars Two great games, one okay game. could present Federation to the studio, it was announced that J. Abrams had been hired to direct a new Star Trek movie. Realizing that an updated grand design for the franchise had already been constructed, the team abandoned their project. The Federation will always be the most beloved faction of any Star Trek game, it is only logical to leave them last. Posted by kmerse on Sep 4th, 2018 When I started working on this mod, I never thought that working on the Federation would be the most difficult task. Star Trek: Federation was an undeveloped Star Trek spinoff to be produced by Bryan Singer. Set in the year 3000, the show was to chronicle a period of decline and rebirth for the United Federation of Planets, spearheaded by a crew on a new USS Enterprise. Trek Wars Federation at War is a Multiplay Mod for Star Wars Empire at Wars: Forces of Corruption. In Trek Wars Federation at War We added the Federation as playable faction into FoC. With following updates we want to add the Klingons, the Romulans and the Borg too, depending on. Star Trek [n 1 est un univers de sciencefiction, cr par Gene Roddenberry en 1966, qui regroupe sept sries tlvises qui comptabilisent 731 pisodes [n 2 (soit plus de cinq cent trente heures de programme), treize longs mtrages [n 3, des centaines de romans, de bandes dessines et des dizaines de jeux vido, ainsi qu'une fanfiction importante. Star Trek Discovery Operations Uniform Costume Junior Slim Fit TShirt Bienvenue sur le site de Star Trek Federation, un jeu de rle par email, vous permettant dincarner un officier de la flotte de StarFleet. Consultez les archives du Federation News Network, consultez les news sur les rseaux sociaux, ou contactez lAmiraut si vous avez des questions. 2, 355 likes 1 talking about this. Pour tout ceux qui rvent dincarner un officier de StarFleet et de partager de passionnantes Starfleet ranks (officers) article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki. Federation Starfleet ranks article at Memory Beta, the noncanon Star Trek wiki. Starfleet ranks and insignia article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Star Trek Online Federation Cruisers. Classic editor History Talk (0) Share. Star Trek Online Cruisers: Federation Edit. The star ships are classified in three different types. Those are: Fed Cruisers (You are here) Fed Escorts Fed Science Federation Cruisers Edit. The Fed Cruisers are classified in seven different types. Let's Play Star Trek Online Federation Faction in 2015 on a freetoplay (f2p) account as a Tactical Officer. Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years, while not as encyclopedic, is a fine successor and in many respects a better product. Rather than a About 20 years ago, a book called Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future was released. United Federation of Planets article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki. United Federation of Planets article at Memory Beta, the noncanon Star Trek wiki. United Federation of Planets article at Star Trek Expanded Universe. Federation escorts are a type of ship met in STO. Escorts have high firepower and speed but less hull points compared to the other ships. As such, they are recommended to the members of Timelords Command, who focus on attacking the enemies of the fleet. Commander Balok of the Fesarius. Thousands of years later, first contact between the United Federation of Planets and the First Federation occurred in 2266 when one of their starships encountered the USS Enterprise, which was performing a starmapping mission. With little information about any inhabited planets in the area, the Enterprise soon encountered and destroyed a marker buoy. The United Federation of Planets is the civilian government to which the military apparatus of Starfleet (which is what all of the Star Trek series and movies actually feature) is accountable. After the events of the first Khitomer Accords, the military wing of Starfleet was diminished and its primary role was shifted towards exploration and. The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar state composed of 154 member states, colonies, protectorates, and other planetary governments unified under the goals of universal liberty, justice, equality, trade, exploration, scientific advancement, peace, and mutual protection. Star Trek: Birth of the Federation (also known as Star Trek: The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation and Birth of the Federation) is a 4X turnbased strategy video game developed by MicroProse and published by Hasbro Interactive. The game was initially released on May 25, 1999 for. Birth of the Federation (BOTF), is a title that reached for the stars and then fell short in many areas. The original version was incredibly buggy the version here already includes the patches that fix most of the game's errors, but some unfortunately bad design ideas. The newest incarnation of Star Trek is, apparently, about to start filming anytime now. Called Star Trek: Discovery, little is known about the show. However, a teaser trailer from the San Diego ComicCon last year showed footage of the new starship emerging from. Star Trek, its graphics, logos and all incarnations are property of CBSParamount. No infringement of those rights is intended. The Federation is not affiliated with or endorsed by CBSParamount. Buy Star Trek: Federation (Star Trek (tradehardcover)) by Garfield ReevesStevens, Judith ReevesStevens from Amazon's Fiction Books Store. Star Trek: Enterprise, originally entitled Enterprise, is a prequel to the original Star Trek series. It aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005. [68 Enterprise takes place in the 2150s, some 90 years after the events of Zefram Cochrane 's first warp flight and about a. Watch videoThis is another highly entertaining Star Trek film that brings together two captains of the Starship Enterprise face to face: Captain Kirk and Captain Picard. Tolian Soran is a madman and quickly becomes the nemesis of Captain Picard of the 24th century. Dans l'univers fictif de Star Trek, la Fdration des plantes unies ou Fdration unie des plantes (United Federation of Planets) et plus communment la Fdration, est une rpublique fdrale interplantaire, qui la fin du XXIV e sicle, compte plus de 150 plantes membres. You're ahead of your time in the Star Trek United Federation Logo TShirt. The soft cotton Tshirt features the Federation's logo, so everyone knows who you, as a huge Star Trek fan, work for. GDR online che unisce l'interpretazione di un eroe del serial televisivo alla scrittura creativa via chat. Crea il tuo personaggio, illumina il tuo destino. The situation of the Federation. The United Federation of Planets is located and that is accepted by all official sources in the heart of the known Star Trek universe, about ly away from the Galactic center in the Local Arm of the Milky Way. The Star Trek: Federation series proposal concludes with 12 page descriptions of the first four actionpacked episodes, which constitute a sort of pilot for the series. News Watch Database Games Events Shop. New Arrivals Star Trek: Discovery Star Trek Short Treks Star Trek: Part of the warp drive system of Federation starships, including the U. Enterprise NCC1701 and other Constitution class vessels. For over 30 years, The Federation has helped people around the world. The core values of Star Trek and the driving vision of Gene Roddenberry are to build a healthy, creative and tolerant society with each individual taking active responsibility. This I have seen vibrantly alive in the work of IFT. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuus. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuus. Star Trek Online Wiki is your complete resource guide for everything in the Star Trek universe including galaxies, episodes, equipment and much more. Star Trek: Federation One is a fancreated series of filmed episodes and audio dramas, and serves as a continuation of the Star Trek: Hidden Frontier universe. Episodes Edit Season 1 Edit Watch videoFollowing the success of the Star Trek movies in the mid 1980s, the producers decided to put ST back on the small screen with a shiny new Enterprise a new crew and a whole host of new species worlds and enemies. An idea for a show at the dusk of the Federation: Set several centuries after the events of Star Trek: Voyager, this new show would follow the adventures of the final ship commissioned by the. Series Overview: Star Trek: Federation One Season 1 consists of two filmed episodes focusing on the President of the United Federation of Planets and their entourage aboard the Federation's.