Guido Karl Anton List, mais conhecido como Guido von List (Viena, 5 de outubro de 1848 Berlim, 17 de maio de 1919) foi um ocultista austraco, jornalista, dramaturgo, e romancista. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (October 5, 1848 May 17, 1919) was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (1848 1919) is wellknown in runology due to his authorship of Secret of the Runes. Some people consider him a vlkisch author and an important figure in runic revivalism in the late 19th, early 20th Century. Guido Karl Anton List, ms conocido como Guido von List (Viena, 5 de octubre de 1848 Berln, 17 de mayo de 1919), fue un periodista, escritor y empresario germanoaustriaco, conocido por sus obras ocultistas y del movimiento vlkisch. Das Geheimnis der Runen von Guido List. Search the history of over 338 billion web pages on the Internet. search Search the Wayback Machine. Featured texts All Texts latest This Just In Das Geheimnis der Runen Item Preview removecircle Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (October 5, 1848 May 17, 1919) was an AustrianGerman (Viennese) poet, journalist, writer, businessman and dealer of leather goods, mountaineer, hiker, dramatist, playwright, and rower, but was most notable as an occultist and vlkisch. Guido von List: Das Geheimnis der Runen HourOfDecision777. Loading Unsubscribe from HourOfDecision777? Working Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 3. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (October 5, 1848 May 17, 1919), was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist. He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed Armanism. In 1907, Lists supporters (which included wealthy industrialists and Lueger, the Mayor of Vienna) established the Guido von List Society, which published Lists writings. List claimed that he had rediscovered the old knowledge of the Armanen, who had been priests, judges and teachers in ancient ArioGerman times. Now, because men of our contemporary age are caught up in the ascetic view of a lifedenying religious system, but in spite of this cannot deny the primal laws of nature, a distorted morality had to be developed, which spreads hypocritical appearances over hidden actions. Guido von List: Influence on the Founding of the Nazi Party and Ariosophy. In 1911, List founded a secret inner order of the List Society known as the Hoher ArmanenOrden (HAO) based on Kabbalistic principles. The List Society was a significant influence in the promoting Lists ideas to the radical nationalist secret societies in Germany. Other articles where Guido von List is discussed: swastika: a poet and nationalist ideologist Guido von List had suggested the swastika as a symbol for all antiSemitic organizations; and when the National Socialist Party was formed in, it adopted it. On September 15, 1935, the black swastika on a white circle with a red background became the national Guido von List (5. maj 1919) var en okkultist, raceideolog og grundlgger af ariosofien. Han var i sin tnkning pvirket af bl. Joseph Arthur Gobineau og Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Han troede p eksistensen af en verdensomspnende jdisk. Before his mystical initiation in 1902 and the subsequent publication of Das Geheimnis der Runen, Guido von lIst had, with the notable exception of Der Unbesiegbare, mainly confiend himself to journalistic and fiction work. Guido von List presenta le 18 Rune che compongono il futharkh nel suo libro Il segreto delle Rune (Das Geheimnis der Runen). Guido von List (1865 1919) Der sterreicher Guido von List war der erste populre Autor, der die vlkische Ideologie mit dem Okkultismus verband. List betrachtete sich als der letzte Magier der Armanen, die frher die geistigen Fhrer, so etwas wie die Priester der Arier gewesen seien. Find great deals on eBay for guido von list. Guido Karl Anton List, lepiej znany jako Guido von List (ur. 5 padziernika 1848 w Wiedniu, zm. 17 maja 1919 w Berlinie ) austriacki pisarz, jeden z prekursorw idei. Guido Karl Anton List, beter bekend als Guido von List (Wenen 5 oktober 1848 Berlijn 17 mei 1919) was een Oostenrijkse dichter, journalist, esoterisch schrijver, en zakenman. Hij was een van de grondleggers van de Vlkische Bewegung en de Ariosofie. By 1908 List began to emerge as an important esoteric personality and a Guido Von List society was founded in his honor. At the close of WWII the List Society was disbanded, but refounded again in 1969. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List, who lived 1848 to 1919, was a writer, mountaineer, and occult author. Von List is one of the most important figures in Germanic neopaganism, and runic study. He is the author of The Secret of the Runes (book), widely regarded as the pioneering work of Runology in modern occultism. The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List SYNOPSIS by Stephen Flowers Phd. from The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List Renowned as an expert in IndoEuropean Germanic linguistics and mythology, Guido von List was the undisputed high Guido Karl Anton List, meglio conosciuto come Guido von List (Vienna, 5 ottobre 1848 Berlino, 17 maggio 1919), stato un poeta, giornalista ed esoterista tedesco. stato anche un imprenditore, alpinista, escursionista, vogatore e rivenditore di articoli in pelle. Guido Karl Anton (von) List ( 5. Mai 1919 in Berlin) war ein sterreichischer Schriftsteller und Esoteriker. Er war ein populrer Vertreter der vlkischen Bewegung und gilt als Begrnder der Ariosophie View the profiles of people named Guido von List. Join Facebook to connect with Guido von List and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List by Guido von List SYNOPSIS by Stephen Flowers Phd. from The Secret of the Runes Renowned as an expert in IndoEuropean Germanic linguistics and mythology, Guido von List was the undisputed highpriest of the Germanic occult renaissance of the early twentieth century. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (October 5, 1848 May 17, 1919) was an AustrianGerman (Viennese) poet, journalist, writer, businessman and dealer of leather goods. Guido von List tam adyla Guido Karl Anton List (d. 17 Mays 1919, Berlin) Alman filozof, tarihi ve yazar. Nazizmin kurucular Rudolf von Sebottendorf ve Adolf Josef Lanz'n retmeni. stn Irk dncesinin ve NeoPaganizmin fikir babas. Early Years ( ) Guido Karl Anton List was born in Vienna on 5 October 1848 to Karl August and Maria List (nee Killian). His father was a fairly prosperous dealer in leather goods, and we can assume that Guido's early life was lived in comfortable and nurturing surroundings. Guido von List is the author of The Secret of the Runes (3. 72 avg rating, 92 ratings, 4 reviews, published 1988), The Religion of the AryoGermanic Folk. 5 octombrie 1848, Viena, Imperiul Austriac d. 17 mai 1919, Berlin, Republica de la Weimar) a fost un ocultist, jurnalist, dramaturg i romancier de origine austriac. Acesta a pus bazele unei noi micri religioase neopgne cunoscute sub denumirea de Wotanism. Din punctul su de vedere, micarea reprezenta renaterea credinei strmoilor rasei germane. Organisations include: the Guido von List Society, the High Armanen Order, the Lumen Club, the Ordo Novi Templi, the Germanenorden (in which a schism occurred) and the Thule Society. Guido von List in 1910 from the book Guido v. Spirituality can be defined in many ways. Since I am a Rune master, I prefer to say that spirituality is a way of life. It is my belief that there is a Divine Creator who has set the Universe, as we know it, into motion. Guido List, dit Guido von List, est n le 5 octobre 1848 Vienne et est mort le 17 mai 1919 Berlin. Il tait occultiste, thoricien de l'armanisme intgral (forme d'aryanisme), auteur d'ouvrages romanesques sur fond de nopaganisme germanique, et l'origine de l'sotrisme nazi, cher Himmler. Guido (von) List (who was born as Karl Anton List) ( 5 October 1848 in Vienna; 17 May 1919 in Berlin) was an Austrian writer. His works were influenced very much by ideas of race. He was influenced by Arthur de Gobineau, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and others. Guido (von) List [eigentlich: Karl Anton List ( 5. Mai 1919 in Berlin) war ein Autor der Vlkischen Bewegung und Begrnder der Ariosophie. Karl Anton Lists Erziehung erfolgte nach streng Richtlinien, lie aber Freiraum fr eigenstndige GUIDO VON LIST Der Gromeister der armanischen Heerscharen In der so genannten NewAgeBewegung der Achtzigerjahre kamen vor allem wieder einmal Runen in Mode, wobei immer wieder betont wurde, dass es sich dabei um kein Gedankengut, sondern um urtmli Guido von List, avstrijski okultist, mistik, raziskovalec run, novinar, pisatelj, 15. Bil je zagovornik novega religioznega gibanja Votanizma, za katerega je trdil, da je oivitev vere starih Germanov. Guido von List1 Obras Das Geheimnis der Runen (El secreto de las runas, 1908) Der Unbesiegbare Gtterdmmerung (189 Guido von List (Wene, 5 Oktober 1848 17 Mei 1919) was 'n skrywer en okkultis van Oostenryk. Hy is gebore in 'n baie vooruitstrewende handelsfamilie. Sy familie het 'n looiery as besigheid gehad maar Von List was nie baie suksesvol as besigheidsman nie. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List, was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist. imported from Wikimedia project. imported from Wikimedia project. Segn Guido von List una palabra o un smbolo herldico, derivado de alguna kala y, por tanto, de alguna runa originaria, da lugar a palabras o smbolos equivalentes cuyos. 11 Guido von List, Das Geheimnis der Runen, Vienna 1907, p. The high significance of this custom [of the ArioGermanen lay in the aim of systematically breeding a noble race which would then remain racially pure through Guido von List was an important figure among occultists and Pan Germanic nationalists who borrowed from the Theosophy of Madame H. Blavatsky as well as ancient Aryan (Teutonic and Indian) legend to create a unique system of rune magic..