CURRICULUM VITAE Name Annie KUNNATH (KUNNATH SIMON AnnieMary) Present Designation Assistant Professor Centre of Comparative Religions and Civilizations Fonds Ricur, IPT, Paris, France 2011 Joint Doctorate 2009Philosophy University of Poitiers, France (Summa. The IPT will reasses your application and determine if the decision is made based according to the current policy instructions at the moment of assessment by the INZ case officer, AND, the Immigration and Protection Tribunal may take into consideration the personal circumstances of the appellant relevant to the applicant and hisher dependents. Dec 15, 2016 Division of Public Health Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology College of Human Medicine Michigan State University Group IPT for Women Prisoners with Comorbid Substance Use and Depression A redaco do curriculum vitae uma etapa importante na procura de um emprego ou formao. O curriculum vitae, muitas vezes, o primeiro contacto com um futuro empregador e, por essa razo, deve ser feito de molde a captar a sua ateno desde o primeiro instante e. Heddy, Assistant Professor, University of OklahomaPage 1 Curriculum Vitae Benjamin C. 820 Van Vleet Oval, Collings Hall Room 309 Informacin til para trabajar en IPT S. : Ofertas de empleo, recursos humanos, enviar curriculum, demandas de empleo, candidatos, Actividad profesional, Telfono. Enviar por correo electrnico Escribe un blog Compartir con Twitter Compartir con Facebook Compartir en Pinterest Curriculum Vitae. Grundutbildning: Socionomexamen 1972. Fortbildningar: Certifierad handledare i Circle of Security 2013 Interpersonell psykoterapi (IPT) niv A 2012 Psykodynamisk affektiv 2006 2004 Marte Meo handledarutbildning 1999 Marte Meo terapeututbildning 1996 Curriculum Vitae Lus Miguel Grilo Pg. 3 27 1 Elementos de identificao Nome: Lus Miguel Lindinho da Cunha Mendes Grilo Nacionalidade: Portuguesa Morada Institucional: Instituto Politcnico de Tomar (IPT) Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Tomar (ESTT) Unidade Departamental de. Auditrio da ESGIPT, 15 de novembro de 2012. Educao em Turismo, ISITH2, Sala C10 da ESTHIPG, 6 de novembro de 2012. Empreendedorismo e Empregabilidade, Make Your Future, Auditrio da ESTHIPG, 7 de maio de 2012. College and Higher Education, INTE2011, sala 2. 3 ESECD Guarda, 10 de Junho de 2011. Page 2 Curriculum vitae STOETERAU, Rodrigo Lima T E C N I C A L S K I L L S A N D COM P E T E N C E S Fellowships Brazilian National Council for Technological and Cientific Research (CNPq) CURRICULUM VITAE Biographical IPT tobacco plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 57, SnchezRodrguez E, RubioWilhelmi MM, Blasco B, Leyva R, Romero L, Ruiz JM. Antioxidant response resides in the shoot in reciprocal grafts of droughttolerant and CURRICULUM VITAE Of Clifford O. ODIMEGWU Professor of Demography, Social Statistics and Population Health Member, External Curriculum Review for University of the Free State, South Africa (IPT) among pregnant women in Kenya Chidima Mbanafo: Levels and Correlates of Single Motherhood in Southern Africa Largo do Relgio 1. Alvito Pgina 2 5 Curriculum vitae de Rua General Humberto Delgado n19 3B, Algs, Portugal. Nome e morada do empregador IPT Instituto Politcnico de Tomar. Quinta do Contador, Estrada da Serra, Tomar. Pgina 1 Curriculum vitae de Filomena Gaspar Europass curriculum vitae Informao pessoal Apelido(s) Nome(s) Gaspar, Maria Filomena dos Santos Morada(s) Rua A, Lote 72, Casais de Revelhos, Abrantes, Portugal Telefone(s) Experincia profissional (2012 ) Member of VITA. IPT Life Quality Ambient Assisted Living IPT (2012 ) Principal Investigator of HELI Development of a Helicopter for civil protection and military applications MCEIIPT (2011 ) Principal Investigator of Research project for Development of KITs in Control, Electronics and Electrical. Plataforma Lattes Atualmente Pesquisador Assistente concursado no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnolgicas do Estado de So Paulo S. , IPT, Laboratrio de Embalagem e Acondicionamento LEA, Centro de Tecnologia Mecnica, Naval e Eltrica CTMNE. Curriculum vitae (resumido) Perfil. Hlder Pestana programador orientado para o desenvolvimento para a web e docente no ensino superior, no Instituto Politcnico de Tomar. Curriculum Free download as PDF File (. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)? A CV is a brief report of a persons qualifications, education background, work and personal experiences that is typically submitted with job applications. It differs from a Resume basically its longer in length and more detailed. SITI RABAAH HAMZAH Professional Development And Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Curriculum Vitae Informao pessoal Apelido(s) Nome(s) prprio(s) Morada(s) Telefone(s) Correio(s) electrnico(s) Nacionalidade Data de nascimento Sexo O registro do seu Currculo Lattes o primeiro passo para encaminhar sua solicitao ao CNPq. Dados pessoais Nome completo Maria Isabel Marques Dias Nome sob o qual publica M. Dias Nmero de identificao fiscal (NIF) In his career, he created and directed the Building Technology Division of IPT, technical reference in Brazil and abroad. He also participated actively of the Agreement IPTNational Bureau of Standards (Now NIST), aiming to provide the Institute with advanced laboratories and a program of standard reference materials. Curriculum Vitae ChenBin (Robin) Huang, Associate Professor Institute of Photonics Technologies and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Page 22 Curriculum vitae of Mrio Gomes Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Portuguese Other language(s) Selfassessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level () Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user Curriculum Vitae. Nome: Valentim M B Nunes Cargo: Professor Adjunto do IPT Morada: Departamento de Engenharia Qumica e do Ambiente Escola Superior de Tecnologia Campus da Quinta do Contador Estrada da Serra 2300 313 Tomar, Portugal. PDF Copy of my curriculum vitae with publications. For full functionality of ResearchGate it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web. pt GRAUS ACADMICOS 2003 Aceite, pelo Conselho Cientfico da Faculdade de Cincias da Universidade de Lisboa como candidato ao Grau de Doutor em Fsica Divulgar o endereo de sites, onde se podem subscrever newsletters, consultar anncios de emprego, colocar curriculum vitae online, retirar sugestes, etc. Telefone: 351 249 328 100 Email: oiva@ipt. pt Weiterbildung zum Kinder und Verhaltenstherapie in Gruppen, Institut fr Psychologische Therapie (IPT) e. , Leipzig, Deutschland, und Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT), Dresden, Deutschland Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a sample of scholarly work, and three letters of recommendation to Jessica Arend, Research Coordinator, at. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Curriculum Vitae Doutor em Tecnologia Nuclear Materiais pela USP (2014), com o estudo de sntese de materiais particulados, processamento e caracterizao de propriedades eltricas de material compsito de xidos de terras raras nquel metlico. IPT 2 3 months (2013) Nokia Siemens Networks Vodacom (T) LTD Site Maintenance, Faults Analysis, Network Monitoring and Performance, BTS and BSC Overview, Other technical details regarding specific types of projects. 6 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: Member, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Active member, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Senior member, The Institute of. Page 35 Curriculum vitae de Patrick Delfosse Dates 1995 2001 Occupation or position held Producer Main activities or responsibility Production for EBS (Europe by Satellite) Name and address of employer European Commission, rue de la Loi, 200, 1049 Bruxelles curriculum vitae vetores e fotos recursos grficos gratuitos 1, 636 Curriculum Vitae grficos. Editvel formato cv de download 814, 157 1207 3 anos atrs. Modelo de curriculum vitae profissional 81, 395 495 8 meses atrs. Modelo de curriculum vitae profissional 80, 908 327 8 meses atrs. Encaminhar curriculum vitae atualizado no ato da inscrio Ficha de Inscrio Para informaes sobre valores dos Mestrados, favor entrar em contato: Email: mestrado@ipt. Mestrado Profissional em Habitao: Planejamento e Tecnologia. Therapist CV Samples Therapist CV Samples. Whether you want to be a Occupational Therapist a Marriage and Family Therapist a Spa Therapist or any other therapist crafting a great CV is essential to obtaining the job you want. Boise State creates opportunities. Were here to help you make the most of the time, money, and energy you invest in your education and in your future. Group IPT for Women Prisoners with Comorbid Substance Use and Depression To develop Dr. Johnsons career as a clinical researcher with a programmatic line of research on interpersonal group treatments for highrisk women with BROWN CURRICULUM VITAE. CURRICULUM VITAEPersonal Details Full Name Sex Place, Date of Birth Nationality Marital Status Height, Weight Health Religion Address: Dodo Iraw Scribd is. Os candidatos interessados em participar do Processo Seletivo devero preencher a ficha de inscrio, encaminhar curriculum vitae atualizado e recolher a taxa de inscrio no valor R 70, 00 (setenta reais). O pagamento dever ser realizado at a data de vencimento do boleto. (facultativo, ver instrues) Informao pessoal Apelido(s) Nome(s) prprio(s) Apelido(s) Nome(s) Morada(s) Rua, nmero, cdigo postal, localidade, pas Telefone(s) Facultativo (ver instrues) Telemvel: Facultativo Fax(es) Facultativo (ver instrues) Correio(s) electrnico(s) Facultativo (ver. Page 24 Curriculum vitae of Belgas da Costa, Maria de Lurdes Dates Title of qualification awarded Masters degree Principal subjectsoccupational skills OIVA Observatrio de Insero na Vida Ativa Instituto Politcnico de Tomar Quinta do Contador Estrada da Serra Tomar Academia. edu is a place to share and follow research..