Masonic Rituals for the Blue Lodge. The following exposures of Masonic ritual are provided in a cooperative effort between ExMasons for Jesus and Ephesians 5: 11, Inc. ExMasons for Jesus is a fellowship organization of men and women who have left the Masonic Lodge and appendant bodies, such as the Order of the Eastern Star, Job's Daughter's, the Order of Rainbow for Girls and the Order of. A Basic Masonic Education Course THE ENTERED APPRENTICE This manual does not disclose any of the esoteric portions of the ritual of the The Obligation 16 The Three Great Lights of Masonry 17 The Rights of an Entered Apprentice Mason 23 The Responsibilities of an Entered Apprentice Mason 24. 3 SECOND DEGREE OR CEREMONY OF PASSING. SENIOR DEACON Salute the Worshipful Master as a Mason. Ensures Candidate takes Step, WORSHIPFUL MASTER Having taken the Solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft, I shall proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Degree. You will therefore advance to me as at your initiation. Entered Apprentice, or First Degree Chapter 1 p. , six Entered Apprentices and one Master Mason, acting under a charter or dispensation from some Grand Lodge, is the requisite number to constitute a Lodge of Masons, and to. 00 3 WORKING TOOLS Masonic Item List Available to Members ONLY. 00 7 Certificate Newly Raised Master Mason C201MM 25. 00 8 Certificate Years of Services (5080Yrs) C201 (yr. However, every Master Mason has an obligation to be loyal to the Lodge which gave him Masonic Light and all the benefits which come with his membership. This should be your inducement to attend Lodge as often as possible and to join in the fellowship that is an important part of Freemasonry. The California Masonic Foundation invests in public education in communities statewide through support for early literacy, college success, and other critically needed programs. Learn more Through the Let's Write the Future campaign, California Masons are coming together to. The obligation is a pledge by each Mason to all others, binding them by a tie, which should last their lifetime. That bond, referred to as the Mystic Tie by Scottish poet Robert Burns, is one that develops lasting and endearing friendships, which are far beyond those made in ordinary life. The Master Mason degree is the third and last degree ritual of the lodge. In the course of the degree, the new Master Mason is taught the importance of living a life true to the principles of morality and virtue. The Master Mason October 1926 The following excerpts from a chapter of a most interesting little book, The Magic of Freemasonry, by Brother Powell, to which reference has already been made by Tim BOOKMAN, is a fine example of a method of interpreting Masonry which. The Worshipful Master approaching me from the east a 2nd time, who presented me with the Lamb Skin or White Leather Apron, and instructed me that it was an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason; more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman eagle; more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any other order that could be conferred upon me. Most Worshipful Brother Nichols is a thirdgeneration Mason and is very proud of his Masonic heritage. Most Worshipful Brother Nichols was initiated and passed in 1980 in Peachtree Lodge No. 732, where he served as Worshipful Master in 1987. The corresponding Masonic Monitor for the Master Mason Degree is also available. Prince Hall Masonic Ritual Prince Hall was a black man who was initiated into Freemasonry in a military lodge. Freemasons: The Solemn Obligation Of A Master Mason I wasn't sure what to write today but was handed the following which, I'm told, is part of the Freemasons initiation into the Third Degree of a Master Mason. It is the Solemn Obligation of a Master Mason, and is. APPRENTICE DEGREE: 1ST DEGREE MASONIC QUESTIONS ANSWERS. Why do you say that a Mason is wellintentioned toward both rich and poor if they be the degree of Master Mason, and two more must have attained at least the degree of Fellow. ) Bro (Surname only), you have already taken an Obligation as regards your duties as Master of the Lodge. You will now take another Obligation as regards the. Any Master Mason may be the accuser of another, but a profane cannot be permitted to prefer charges against a Freemason. Yet, if circumstances are known to a profane upon which charges ought to be predicated, a Master Mason, may justly avail himself of that information, and out of it frame an accusation, to be presented to the Lodge. On behalf of all Master Masons owing allegiance to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Jurisdiction of Alabama, and the entire Alabama Prince Hall Masonic Family, I welcome you to our website. Lodge Opening Ceremonies History and Comparison A Paper Presented to Three Knocks: The JD tells the Master, and says; ) Worshipful, the lodge is tyld. From a share in this ceremony no mason can be exempted. It is a general concern, in which all must assist. This is the first request of the master, and the prelude to all every Masons development. INITIATION While having a number of meanings and possible interpretations, initiation is foremost a spiritual undertaking. To be initiated into Masonry, particularly in modern times, is a highly significant and meaningful step in ones life. In a world too often governed by busy schedules, loose Often coupled with these events is the obligation placed on every Mason to contribute to charity. This occurs at both Lodge and Grand Lodge level. Masonic charities contribute to many fields, such as education or disaster relief. THE OBLIGATIONS OF A FREEMASON: VW. Gary Kerkin is PM Lodge Piako No 160 Formal Obligation of the Second Degree In a Master Masons' Lodge. To adhere to the principles of the Square and Compasses. To obey summons, but with exceptions. And then the sign of a Master Mason, which alludes to the penalty of the obligation of a Master Mason. In making this sign, draw the right hand (thumb in) across the stomach as low down as the vest, then drop the hand suddenly. Master Mason Initiation As in the Fellow Craft initiation, the Master Mason ceremony starts out with an introduction and a pass through word, sign and grip. The candidate enters the room and receives a blessing from the Worshipful Master (WM). Fred is a Past Master of Plymouth Lodge, Plymouth Massachusetts, and Past Master of Paul Revere Lodge, Brockton, Massachusetts. Presently, he is a member of Pride of Mt. 135, Prince Hall Texas, where is he is also a Prince Hall Knight Templar. Before a candidate is given the obligation of the Entered Apprentice degree, he hears these words from the Worshipful Master: Mr. , before you can proceed further in Freemasonry, it will be necessary for you to take an Obligation appertaining to this degree. The Worshipful Master approaching me from the East with the step, dueguard and sign of an Entered Apprentice Mason; who having confidents in my integrity, presented me his right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and proceeded to invest me with the grip and word of an Entered Apprentice Mason. Membership is by a progressive degree system with three degrees: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. A Master Mason has all the rights and privileges of the organization. Freemasonry established itself in what would become Arkansas within nine months of Arkansass birth as a territory. Installing Master goes forward to Master Elect, fits Badge, holds it momentarily: I now invest you with the Badge takes off collar of Worshipful Master and invests Master Elect and Jewel of your office, which is the highest honour the Lodge has in its power to confer on any of its members. i Dedication To my present Brother Builders all who helped make this book possible; To my future Brother Builders, may this book help Light your way as you continue your journey East. Greetings, my name is Cleveland K. Wilson and I proudly serve as Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of Arkansas, F. and confidence, and proceeded to give me the passgrip and word of a Master Mason, [the word is the name of the passgrip and bid me arise and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens and convince them that I was an obligated Master Mason, and had the sign, passgrip and word. Whether this incident is an attack against the Shrine, a petty squabble amongst Arkansas masons, a gross misunderstanding, or a legitimate grievance is not for me to decide, but as a Master Mason, it would be my obligation to whisper wise council in the ear of an erring brother. 2011, after receiving the report from the Grand Lodge Investigation Committee, as Grand Master of Masons in Arkansas, I charged the above Arkansas Master Mason with Unmasonic Conduct. His general behavior was unbecoming of a Master Mason, in violation of Section of the Arkansas Masonic Digest of Laws. If you are a Master Mason who holds dual masonic Membership with another Grand jurisdiction as well as your Arkansas membership and you want to remain a shriner in another jurisdiction, then you will be required to withdraw membership from the Arkansas lodge or Lodges. Supreme Grand Master the welcome words, Well done, good and faithful servant: enter thou into the THE BADGE OF A MASON. The lamb has in all ages been deemed an emblem of innocence; the lambskin is, therefore, to remind you of that purity of life and rectitude of conduct by Malcolm C. Duncan [1866 This book presents details of Masonic initiation rituals, along with grips, Master Mason, or Third Degree Mark Master, or Fourth Degree Past Master, or Fifth Degree Most Excellent Master, or Sixth Degree Royal Arch, or Seventh Degree After questions were raised, the Grand Master, J. , sent out an email message saying that Mr. Marshall was a legitimate Mason and should be received as such. Master Mason Candidate Guide C ongratulations, brother, on your preferment and upon your joining the ranks of Master Masons the world over. The third degree of Master Mason is the crown jewel Shrine Eliminates MM Requirement In Arkansas that requirement was done away with in 2002 or so. The only requirement is that you be a Master Mason. if you are in Arkansas, you need to check with the Shrine for the current status and circumstance. they should reread the paragraph in. The Grand Master issues clarifications on trial procedures Edict outlines changes to the Masonic trial process and creates new District Trial Commissions to be in effect as of. FellowCraft Degree of Freemasonry as practiced in the State of Nevada are given to men who are raised to Master Mason. WM: Where were you made a Fellow Craft? 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 4. We were bluntly informed that, in Arkansas, Shriners International will be governed by the Grand Lodge of Arkansas; and that Shriners International will conduct its governance and activities in accordance with the directives of the Grand Master. Brother Marion Butler# 454, Chief District Deputy Grand Master of Districts# 4, # 5, and# 7 North. Johnson# 64, Chief District Deputy Grand Master of Districts# 1, # 3, and# 8. Grand Lodge Of Arkansas On The Warpath Again I remind you that each Master Mason is charged by his Obligation to safeguard the Fraternity. Thus no Arkansas Mason will be a member of the shrine. This must be done to safeguard our membership from violating our Masonic Law. oath or obligation of a Fellow Craft; and I take pleasure, as Master of this Lodge, to say to you (as on a former occasion), there is nothing in this oath that will interfere with the duty that you owe to your God, your family, country, neighbor, or self. CHAPTER X The Fellowcraft Degree PASSING TO THE SECOND, OR FELLOWCRAFT DEGREE Master, the Senior Deacon, and other officers. It has no reference to the Mason. The obligation is a lifelong pledge by each Mason to all others, binding them by what the Scottish poet, Robert Burns, called the Mys tic Tie. For those who are looking to join a lodge as a new member, demit from another district or jurisdiction or reactivate their membership, click on the Grand Lodge Information link on the menu after which you may search the listing of District Deputies and contact the one that represents the county in which you live or will be moving to for guidance on how to proceed. The Master Mason degree is the highest degree a Freemason can earn, and the most difficult. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in the values of Freemasonry. Completion of the degree is celebrated with a ceremony. Although the degrees subsequent to the Master Mason Degree are often referred to as higher degrees, the MM Degree is actually the highest degree in Masonry. One can never be more of a Mason than a Master Mason, but one can become a bettereducated Mason, which is the intent of the additional degrees of the York and Scottish Rites..